eating appuls
on jarvis street
at 3 in th morning
i sd iuv nevr felt
ths way b4
yu sd if we wer 2
get marreed yu cud
as a spousal akt
committ me 2 th
clarke institute bcoz
i am delusyunal in
my love 4 yu stars in
my eyez yu sd fair
enuff i sd thn it wud
b a kommittid relay
syun ship
yu wud visit wuns
a week yes i askd no
yu sd yu cud not bcoz
i am delusyunal uv
kours i sd i undrstand
that makes sens yu
cud b ther 4 yeers yu
n we laffd n laffd
laffing our heds off
eetring appuls on
jarvis at 4 in th
morning stars in
our eyez
mine at leest
from ths is erth thees ar peopul talonbooks 07
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